
Using a Private Slack Channel with SharedInbox

When setting up an email with SharedInbox, you have the option of connecting the email to a specific Slack channel of your choosing. You can use either a public or private channel.

TLDR on Connecting Email to a Private Slack Channel #

There is an extra step when connecting your email to a private Slack channel with SharedInbox:

  • After following the setup steps for your email provider type, you’ll need to invite the @SharedInbox app to the private channel, like so:
    Inviting SharedInbox app to a private channel

Why do I need to invite the app to a private channel? #

Private Slack channels can only be viewed or used by members that have been explicitly invited to that channel, which goes for humans and Slack apps too 😄

What’s the difference between private and public Slack channels? #

Public channel #

An open channel that anyone in your Slack workspace (except for guests) can view, search history, or post messages in. For SharedInbox, that means anyone in your workspace can view, reply, compose, and assign emails in that channel.

Private channel #

This is a more secure channel that only workspace members and apps that have been invited to can view and participate in. We recommend connecting your email with SharedInbox to a private channel if you want to restrict who can view or reply to emails.

See Slack docs on What is a channel? for more general info about channel types and best practices.

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Updated on January 16, 2024

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